Saturday, November 23, 2013

living real life.. one thing at a time.. making my life better

This is the second day I have used Facebook and I am just fine without it.  I don't miss the stress of people constantly watching what I am doing, or having the thoughts that someone is watching what I'm doing.  I'm enjoying the fact that the "world" that I have is right here and now, with Dustin.  What I experience in the moment is what really matters.  Perhaps I will keep my feed limited to Sacramento Gardeners and Permaculture, Veganville, Occupy, Jonas Sunshine.. I feel better about taking control over my thoughts and actions.. and using the internet as a tool.. for information that I may or may not better my life with.. karezza may better my life, also a period of celibacy, also learning about celibacy and karezza as a normal way of life.  .. Being off facebook should be a normal way of life as well.  I have so much to experience with Dustin and so many things we can do to be closer together

When I went vegan, I trusted the concept that cutting out animal products would make me healthier for xyz reasons and why.  Cutting out Facebook and orgasmic sex, will I be open to the possibilities in my life that this has to offer?  One thing at a time, one day at a time, easy to make the decision once I learn more about both things.

So, I need to keep studying!! :)

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